About vitamin D

‘About vitamin D’ πŸ•Šβ˜ΊοΈπŸ’« wishing you a happy saturday and here is a post to share a little about a vitamin D supplement I just began to take each day, a little earlier in 2021, and about how vitamin D could be helpful and nourishing for our health and wellbeing. It is spring in New Zealand (where I am from), and the weather is warming up a little, and there is bright sunshine more often ! I am enjoying being outside in our garden and in nature, and walking and jogging with our pup in the warm sunshine a little more. Before the weather warmed up, I researched a bit about vitamin D and thought it could be helpful to take a supplement after not being outside a lot and exposed to sunshine in the cooler months. I found a lovely vitamin D supplement from a NZ health shop called ‘Health Post’ and hope the post could be helpful just in case you could be interested in vitamin D too and how it can support health and beauty, essential processes in our bodies and our overall wellbeing (continued in post)

a sunshine inspired illustration from @carenaturalblog

about vitamin D

‘about vitamin D’ πŸ’« here are a couple of notes about vitamin D, carefully cited from a favourite book by Dr Libby about nutrition, health and wellbeing, called ‘Beauty from the Inside Out.’ In summary, our bodies are able to create a lot of vitamin D, which is helpful in assisting a number of health and beauty related processes in the body, after being outside in summer sunshine. Although, many people could be deficient in vitamin D, due to limited time spend outdoors, and liver congestion. Thus, being outside in sunshine a little more often, looking after our livers and possibly taking a supplement of vitamin D could help to support the body in being able to create and successfully convert vitamin D so it can be used by our bodies effectively.

“Be sure to get the vitamin D you need!” by Dr Libby

Vitamin D in the body

After being exposed to just 20 to 30 minutes of summer sunshine, it could be fascinating to learn how the body, via the skin, can create as much as 10 000 IU of vitamin D. Although, many people today could be deficient in vitamin D for a number of reasons, including not being outside enough and spending some time outdoors. Another reason Dr Libby believes a lot of individuals could be deficient in vitamin D could also be because of ‘liver congestion,’ caused by the regular over consumption of liver loaders (a little more is noted in the Beautiful Detox chapter of Dr Libby’s book). When the liver could be hindered a little or unable to carry out it’s life saving role of detoxification, other bodily processes related to the liver, including the conversion of vitamin D, could additionally be impeded. Furthermore, looking after and taking care of the liver could help to make a positive difference to how well the body could process vitamin D and it’s overall status in the body.

For health and beauty

Vitamin D3 is the active form of vitamin D, and it is responsible for a lot of processes which are considered to be essential for beauty, including: the production of skin cells and skin repair. In addition, vitamin D is essential for the health of hair follicles and bone health and can assist in the prevention of degenerative diseases, such as cancer, therefore it could be helpful and recommended by Dr Libby to be sure you are able to obtain the vitamin D you and your body could need!

carefully cited from ‘Beauty from the Inside Out’ by Dr Libby

Vitamin D supplement

The vitamin D supplement I found from ‘Health Post’ is called ‘Vitamin D3’ and is created by goodhealth naturally, New Zealand. The vitamin D tablets are in a tiny circle shape with a sweet orange, citrus flavour, and are recommended to be taken orally just once a day (for both adults and children over 3 years of age). I love the sweet flavour a lot, and keep the tablets just close by to a women’s multivitamin supplement I additionally take just once a day, in the morning to help to support general and overall health and wellbeing and vitality (in addition to being careful about nutrition and safe, healthy life choices, which could help to support health). On the packaging, the tablets are noted to contain 1 000 IU and to: support health bones and immunity and promote the absorption of calcium. Further, Good Health Vitamin D3 is noted to be essential for creating and sustaining strong and health bones, teeth and immunity.

A little about calcium and how it could be an essential nutrient:

People could be familiar about calcium’s role in supporting bone health, although a lot of individuals could not be so familiar with how calcium additionally plays an extensive role in supporting many other processes in the body. Further, a couple of helpful food sources, which contain calcium, include: nutes and seeds (sesame seeds in particular), tahini, figs, sardines and green, leafy vegetables.

carefully cited from ‘Beauty from the Inside Out’ by Dr Libby

I hope the post could of helped in describing vitamin D (and calcium) just a little, and how both nutrients could be helpful in supporting health and beauty, our bodily processes, and our overall wellbeing, and could you take a vitamin D supplement too (or another kind of supplement)?

How to find Health Post and Dr Libby:

Health post’s website is: www.healthpost.co.nz and instagram page is: @healthpostnz

Dr Libby’s website is: www.drlibby.com and her instagram page is: @drlibby

Notes and references:

Earlier posts about beauty, skin care and wellbeing items purchased from Health Post NZ:

πŸ•Š about rosa damascena and about β€˜rosa damascena’ pure rose essential oil

πŸ•Š Organic body care by Biologika

πŸ•Š a moisturising cream by Biohoney

πŸ•Š natural skin care by sukin australia and a couple more natural skin care products by sukin australia

πŸ•Š a couple of favourite organic rosehip oils

πŸ•Š Organic matcha

πŸ•Š Organic maca powder, a superfood

Earlier posts about/sharing Dr Libby and Dr Libby’s books:

πŸ•Š Care tips by Dr Libby

πŸ•Š the Beauty Guide book by Dr Libby

πŸ•Š Beauty from the Inside Out by Dr Libby

πŸ•Š Hand and nail care tips

πŸ•Š August favourites

Image: illustration created and published on care natural b (@carenaturalblog)

Sources: ‘Beauty from the Inside Out’ book by Dr Libby and Good Health vitamin D3 packaging

Weaver, Dr L. (2015). Beauty From The Inside Out: Enhance The Gifts Nature So Graciously Gave You (Rev. ed.). Little Green Frog Publishing Ltd.

Please note: the post was created and published independently of the brands, companies noted and is not a gift or an ad

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